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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The most wonderful time of the YEAR and my grandfather, Patrick Stewart

The time is now, Friends.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know how I feel about habits... I have continued to stress about needing habit, floundered around the past year of being out of school, and been asking myself what the HECK am I going to do with myself in these next years? What Am I going to do with my life in order bring Dance and art back into the south bay.

And while I can sit here and stress, I like to stop and savor the few things I know to be fact:
1) The sun Rises in the east and sets in the west
2) Gary Masters Willl ALWAYS hold class
3) When the leaves change colors, Apple Hill will ALWAYS be a drive away.

For those of you who don't know, Gary Masters is a mentor of mine for college.  The joke is that every other teacher at LEAST once a semester would inevitably cancel class for one reason or another, except Gary.  One semester his company was performing and more than half of the faculty was out because they were all in his show.  Not Gary, I banked on the fact that he would be there, and when to his surprise I dropped in on an early morning class I shared with him what I knew about the sun and how he would always have class.  He sorta rolled his eyes at me, but I could see his smug look on his face when he walked away.

... I should find out when his classes are this semester.

More personally, If you don;t know what apple hill is, you should.  One of Northern California's best kept secrets is east of sacramento, and the memories I have of it are that of normal children to Disneyland.  My Papa lived in the mountains in colfax, and every year in october for the family Birthdays (and papa's birthday too), we would make the drive to Apple Hill.  And every year when the colors start to change, I start to itch waiting for the weekend I can sneak up the hill for a fresh carmel apple and a pound of honey in celebration of one of my favorite seasons.

My papa, a legend in his own right, was another great contribution to me.  A combination of popeye and captain Crunch, Yuel Brenner and Patrick Stewart, My grandfather the ex marine could have made me famous for his one liners, a la "Shit my dad says".  But more importantly are his spunk, no nonsense attitude, and harsh realities that Keeps him in the front of my brain these past few days.

In my life of recent insecurities, I have found that I always have my biggest support system with me all the time... In the changing colors of the leaves, in the sunrise through my window in the morning, in the first bite of a crisp, fresh october apple.  And even on my crappiest days, in my darkest hours, I can hear "mississippi mud" in my head, and a small weight gets lifted off my Heart.

And I'm counting down the month til I get to return to Apple Hill!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A final Plea: why you need to donate to Dance in Transit

I am in my last hours before dance in transit the fundraiser on kickstarter closes.  I have yet to make my goal and think/KNOW that if only people KNEW how important this kind of event was, they would give.  So this is it, my final plea: I am about to give you THREE huge reasons why not just you, but EVERYONE you know, should be donating to dance in transit.

First of all, have you read the news lately? Times are tough.  And that is the BEST way to say it.  The economy is down, there are doubts about our leaders, and lots of rules and regulations either passed or in progress do not make sense to the masses.  ITs rough.  It is time to take a stance and have a voice.

If you look at the past, (because history tends to repeat itself), some of the greatest pieces of art, dance, and music, have come from the crappiest parts of history.  Have you ever HEARD gospel music? Its roots come from years of struggling and slavery, and the sound moves a soul to a place of goosebumps and tears? Jazz? Same thing. and more IMPORTANTLY than that, artist have often been the only ones brave enough to say what the REST of society is thinking.   By you donating, you are not only saying, "Yes, art is important," but you are saying "I have a voice, I care about this community, and I support it." You are giving life to a creative self expression.

Secondly, this may not be a good enough reason for you.  You might say "I have a voice, I vote." and good for you... BUT as we all know sometimes that isn't enough.  And I wish I could tell you the power of dance, or ANY art for that matter, but I can't.  I can't take all of you into my classroom of 90% "at risk" students and show you how a semester of hip hop brought them closer.  I can't show you the kids who were labeled "Troubled" or "not smart" in my classes expressing themselves in ways that they could never do before I offered to teach there.  But it happened, and you have to believe me when I say that dance incorporates all the important components of being a well rounded human.  It teaches you to think outside the box.  It teaches you to think on your feet.  It teaches you that there are other ways to express yourselves then throwing rocks and sticks, or verbally abusing someone because you are having a bad day.  It teaches people to work as a team, individually, and come together to produce something great.  For a cause much higher then themselves.  By stifling these programs, we are not a part of the solution.  And it looks to me so far that, we could use some new solutions.  I'm not saying Dance is the answer, but it certainly helps.

Now, Lastly... I find it hard/ sad to have even needed to write this much about Dance in transit.  The truth is, I shouldn't have to.  Of course I need to sell people on a business idea, but I have written countless press releases, multiple statements, and if you are taking the time to read this, chances are my job has already been done for the most part.  When I first graduated, I wanted to go to New york.  But that dream became less and less appealing when I thought about why I thought I needed to go there.  San Jose is the 10th largest city in the nation.  It is my home that I LOVE IT.  And I know if you are reading this you probably live here and also love it.  And if that is the case, you are also probably making money doing some form of career.  And getting paid for it.  Well, I want that too.  I want to be able to wake up in the city I love and be paid for my skill set, Just like everyone else.  Sure, I could move to New york or San Francisco, but I shouldn't have to. San Jose is already claiming to be so advanced in its politics, technology and business.... why can't we just be advanced in our art scene too?

... That's where you come in.

Dance in Transit helps with all these things.  It nurtures dance in a community that doesn't NEED it, but DESERVES it.  It gives San Jose a spot on the map in yet another field, rounding out the community, giving an outlet for performers that are ALREADY are in existence, and shows the next generation of artists that it we DO love them and we DON't want them to go to those other cities because ours is just as cool.

It could be great.  It could be really great.  And really awesome OTHER things could come out of it.  But if I don't make this goal, I personally can't continue to create this venue as quickly...

..... So won't you PLEASE donate to Dance in Transit?