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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Live the life you love

It's kinda ridiculous how quickly things snowball.

I have been thinking about this blog since wednesday, and I know if I don't write it right this second I am going to let a week go by, and I just can't let that happen.

This week I started waking up with headaches again because I have been grinding my teeth again (a sign of my own stress levels) but to be honest I haven't been happier since I quit school.

The teeth grinding started almost 4 years ago, when I was working a million jobs, going to school full time, and heavily involved in church.  I thought I had a brain tumor and was going to die when I went to the doctor.  Stick out your tongue, he said.  And when I did he immediately laughed and told me to see my dentist (apparently, when I opened my mouth there were signs on my back teeth of grinding... pretty gross huh?)

The silly part is that I am not truly happy until I am so stressed out with a full schedule that I am grinding my teeth.  This week was full of staff meetings, networking for new dance things in San Jose, and other creative endeavors that I will talk more about once they get closer.  But, on a whole, I am super stoked with what lies ahead.

On the blogging front, I have some super exciting news.

A Year ago I called my dad after a big career meltdown telling him I needed help finding a job. "What do you want to do?" asks dad.  "I don't know", I replied! The answer from dad was so irritatingly easy I was angry I hadn't thought of it myself.

"Well, what would you do for free? That's what you SHOULD be doing.  If you would do it for free, find someone who will pay you to do it... and that is your answer..."

This was long before I started blogging regularly, but the answer was definitely in my head... What would I do for free:
2) write
3) sleep

Yea, right dad, like it's that easy.  Well, 3 months later I was teaching dance and in a company in SF.  And now, starting Sunday, I will officially be a paid blogger.  That's right, readers! Number two of three has happened.  Because I am still working out the kinks, I cannot give out the link today of the new blog, but just know, it's gonna be awesome! And I will still be writing here as promised, but it is official, and as much as I hate saying it: Dad was right.  I was even leaving work the other day prepping for my big new project, and said to my friend/ collaborator "So this is it? I am officially a blogger now?" and she said back to me "Oh Natalie, you have ALWAYS been a writer" which pretty much made my day.

Dad says live the life you love... Now who wants to hire me to sleep and bake? I'll send you my resume right now :)