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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One song: glory!

I'm writing one great song before I....

I am SORRY I did not update about Linda Rondstat at San Jose Rotary. She was FAB! She spoke about how Music and Science go hand and hand (she was speaking about Art and Science, as they are supposed to co-exist, but because she is a singer, she focused on Music). I got to shake her hand and introduce myself. I plan on getting her notes from her talk to use in the dance and film class I am helping T.A. this semester.

So Class has been a shit factory and the state of the university is so sad, but I have my classes, and I am set for the first week, so number 1 is taken care of (as selfish as that is)....

BUT, VTA has called and e-mailed, they are VERY interested in my proposal for a "trolley dance-esque type dance event. That is the next assignment: FINISH THE PROPOSAL.

It gets late (ooo! 10:30!) and I grow weary, but I will be sure to keep the followers (anyone out there???) posted. I have a great feeling about the semester!

~Nat Q.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How do you eat an elephant?

When I was in High School calculus, my teacher was an Ex-marine officer. Right before he would dive into a huge, 20 minute proof, he would pose this question to the class... How do you eat an elephant???

The answer, of course, is "one bite at a time"...

So. the bite we took out of the dance project today was a two step process... we went and looked at a venue (GEM!) and Spoke with Mr. Fred and his wife about some people/places that might help us out.

The Gem I am speaking of resides right over O'Flaherty's bar and grill... I pub in san Jose which I used to frequent almost every thursday.... so when I realized where it was I felt silly that I never knew about it. Its a sweet setup, and the staff is SOOO friendly, so we definitely plan on keeping them in mind as a potential venue in the near future. I am STILL blown away that I didn't know of its potential even now. Regardless, happy to have found it...

Next stop of the day was a visit with Mr. Fred and his wife. It started a little frustrating because I was looking for answers to questions I hadn't yet formed, short of "How the heck can I pull this off successfully?" Mr. and Mrs Fred are very animated, and Mrs. gave us so much good information about who to contact next, and where to go. And what Marketing tactics we could use. So, after an hour of being bombarded with information, we thanked them relentlessly, and scampered back to the Laboratory to debrief and organize our strategy.

Tomorrow's assignment: Go to San Jose Rotary. I was so generously invited tomorrow to go see what they are all about... I am unsure of what good this could bring to Operation Dance Event, but I feel like I will get some opportunity just by showing up.

I only wish San Jose would have told me BEFORE I got my degree all of the theaters in the area. Maybe this can be added into the program, now that I know that it's missing.

Until tomorrow!
~Nat Q.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Another Mammoth adventure... and a lead?


I promise one day I will get good at this blogging thing. One day.
Sometimes I feel like it is going to confession... "Hello readers! It has been 14 days since my last blog... I digress.

Things are looking up! Since my last blog, It has been crazy. Because of my early return I was blind sided by my overly concerned father.... who seemed to misconstrue my early return for irresponsibility and laziness (perhaps he missed my last blog). And what's worse when I disclosed even the smallest bit of information about my hopes to bring dance to the south bay he rebuttled with a "that is not financially stable". I know! No one is in Dance for the money!

So, I left for Mammoth once again, this time for fun, to clear my head and hopefully find some inspiration, direction, and all those romantic ideas people think happen when they Thoreu themselves into the wilderness...

ANYWAYS, once I got back I went to get my Jeep from my father's house. While I was there (its a long story I will spare you) I ran into my grandmother. After a brief discussion again about my ideas of bringing my dance to the south bay, she gave me a lead.

She thought it was a WONDERFUL idea and said (as grandma does) "Well you know who you should talk too..." And she gave me the name of a man, who I remember growing up AND coincidentally, ran into his name on another website I was researching for non-profits. WHAT LUCK... no no, not luck... WHAT SUPPORT! she said she would call him or get in contact with him to ask him to set up a meeting with me...

Fast forward to this morning.... a DAY later... not EVEN 24 hours, I woke up (shamefully late) to a voicemail beeping. It was grandma. She had already talked to her friend, my LEAD, and he would be delighted to talk to me about my project. Well, Just like that I sprang into action, calling my partner in crime into mobilization. In an afternoon we had, not only an appointment to meet with Grandma's friend (who will now be known as Mr. Fred), but also to see a venue we had no idea even existed downtown, AND contacted many potential choreographers for an event, looked at a few venues, and called countless people about venues.

After an exhausting day (I did more non dance related things after this) I am signing off, with hopes of reporting more awesome things in the near future... I'll shoot for tomorrow

~Nat Q.