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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Another Mammoth adventure... and a lead?


I promise one day I will get good at this blogging thing. One day.
Sometimes I feel like it is going to confession... "Hello readers! It has been 14 days since my last blog... I digress.

Things are looking up! Since my last blog, It has been crazy. Because of my early return I was blind sided by my overly concerned father.... who seemed to misconstrue my early return for irresponsibility and laziness (perhaps he missed my last blog). And what's worse when I disclosed even the smallest bit of information about my hopes to bring dance to the south bay he rebuttled with a "that is not financially stable". I know! No one is in Dance for the money!

So, I left for Mammoth once again, this time for fun, to clear my head and hopefully find some inspiration, direction, and all those romantic ideas people think happen when they Thoreu themselves into the wilderness...

ANYWAYS, once I got back I went to get my Jeep from my father's house. While I was there (its a long story I will spare you) I ran into my grandmother. After a brief discussion again about my ideas of bringing my dance to the south bay, she gave me a lead.

She thought it was a WONDERFUL idea and said (as grandma does) "Well you know who you should talk too..." And she gave me the name of a man, who I remember growing up AND coincidentally, ran into his name on another website I was researching for non-profits. WHAT LUCK... no no, not luck... WHAT SUPPORT! she said she would call him or get in contact with him to ask him to set up a meeting with me...

Fast forward to this morning.... a DAY later... not EVEN 24 hours, I woke up (shamefully late) to a voicemail beeping. It was grandma. She had already talked to her friend, my LEAD, and he would be delighted to talk to me about my project. Well, Just like that I sprang into action, calling my partner in crime into mobilization. In an afternoon we had, not only an appointment to meet with Grandma's friend (who will now be known as Mr. Fred), but also to see a venue we had no idea even existed downtown, AND contacted many potential choreographers for an event, looked at a few venues, and called countless people about venues.

After an exhausting day (I did more non dance related things after this) I am signing off, with hopes of reporting more awesome things in the near future... I'll shoot for tomorrow

~Nat Q.

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