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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One: Singular sensation

My adventure started half way through my senior semester when I started applying to dance intensives all over California and seeing how far I could push myself in a month. Here is the game plan for the next month:
1) Drive 8 hours to San Diego
2) Dance 2 weeks with Malashock Dance in Point Loma, San Diego
3) fly home at the butt crack of dawn to
4) be in Mammoth Lakes, CA for another Dance intensive with Dennis Wayne from the 19th til the 2nd.

I am hoping to be able to use this as a record/ note taker of what I learn for return back to the bay, and attempt to put on a site specific festival in Downtown San Jose (but more on that later)

In the next few days I must:
1) by some more supplies for the mammoth intensive, (gloves, hiking socks)
2) get my car tuned up for a drive to San Diego (my sister is returning it when she drives up here for a marathon)
3)make sure the clothes and music is washed and clean or cut and on C.D. with backups.
4) be sure not to freak out.

That last one is most important :)

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