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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Friday, July 3, 2009

How do you measure a month in the life?

... and more importantly, How do you pack for that?

I have yet to find out the answer... and yet I did. I packed... for every senario I could have played out in my head. I am still uncertain of what I will ned but so Far I have:

1) a carry on with the entire contents of my dance clothes...
2) a day bag for sd, and
3) a day bag with all of my "adventure gear" and essential liquids that would not make it back on a plane for mammoth (to be given to Dave before leaving for SD)

I'm ho[ing to not pack the entire car with frivilous things... but I can't help[ but wonder if I am ready, or if there is a way to fully be prepared.

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