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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Singing with your body and touching yourself.

... Yea, really.

So I was not sure how I was gonna do when I woke up and my toe was twice it's normal size and red, but I dragged myself to class anyways. I soon learned that we had a new teacher for technique for the rest of the week. Her name was Juliene and her training was in...

Grahm and limon technique


So while I struggled through technique class ( my injury gave me no releve on my left foot) I was relieved I wasn't injured AND trying something new... Rep was... feeling academic. The steps weren't technically challenging, but the floor patterns are intricate, and the second you stop counting you might as well start over because it is impossible to not screw up the four other people you are working with from that point.

So after the morning was over I quickly ate and ran upstairs to the in house physical therapist ( every dancers dream). She examined my foot and quickly diagnosed it as a sprain and minor contusion. Whatever, dr lady, tape that shit up so I can get back to class!

So yesterday's fruastrating class became a "lightbulb on" class for me today. Yesterday, the combination was overwhelming and tricky and awful, but today after running through it, everything became clear! Joe was talking about contact yesterday and how you really had to "touch yourself" in order to make the movement work. When I actually did what he said today though, the dance ( movementily, if that is a word) makes sense because it's like the hand initiates the shoulder, hip, or joint it is in contact with. He must have said that at one point yesterday, but I was already so down on myself I must not have heard it. Joe seemed to be as pleased with my epiphany as me.

So I made it. The last work is not my favorite, but it feels like one of those pieces that us going to be tedious to learn, and when it's performed everyone will love it... What is it about those pieces anyways?

We even got out of tedious practice early so I could refill my antibiotics (long story, don't ask) and ice my foot. I think I can make it through the week, I'm going in early to get my foot liked at again tomorrow, when I went in this morning itbwas aggrivated and red and we couldn't tell if it was and infection from the floor burn, Or the angry toe... The redness is gone, no infection! Woo!

Made it over the hump. We'll see what limon brings me tomorrow! Chacon anyone?
~Nat Q.

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