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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Almost 2 weeks of Catch- up!!

Hi readers!

So... I stopped blogging at the end of my San Diego trip because it was 1) becoming repetitive because of my dissatisfaction with the new works and 2) because I got sick with something I most likely gave myself (like an anxiety attack) either way, I had the spins for the duration of the program... and it was unfortunate because as an artist I think it is your job to create something new and exciting no matter what tools you get. For Example, my senior project was choreographed and set in about... 6-8 rehearsals... all of which were 2 hour rehearsals, but I almost NEVER used all 2 hours... which makes that project come together in essentially somewhere between 12 and 16 hours.... That is LESS than these choreographers got with us... and in many cases, I feel like these choreographers shorted us invention because they were pressed for time.

... No one is asking for an epic, 4 hour ballet... all art needs to do is evoke something that hopefully is exciting and maybe fun, at LEAST visually appealing... some of the choreography was a big flop and the excuse was because we were crunching time... I hope I never get to that point. I hope I am always inventing. DVD to follow.

I will post (soon) my thoughts on my mammoth adventure, (dance intensive: 2, adventure: 12) but get ready for a rant.

Currently I am working quickly to try and bring art to the Bay area. After my intensives have finished, this will be the newest thing to follow on the blog.

Signing off for now so I can work on the bay area take over! Stay Posted!
~Nat Q.

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