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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day one: I gotta get through this

... And I did

... By the skin of my teeth:)

I got to San diego dance place and immediately fell in love! It is a 2 story building with beautiful facilities complete with locker rooms, studios with wall- to- wall marley floors (not being held together with tape, mind you), and really nice music equipment (all the speakers work, sjsu kids!)

So technique class was challenging and I was definitely being called out for running into everyone.. But it was feeling a little like heather's class at home so I was prepared and not discouraged!

Next we learned a section of the company's rep "love and murder" since there were so many of us we were going to be learning the film version... Not the stage version (the fact that they even have two versions and there was a distinct difference made me impressed!)

The people in the workshop with me are very committed to the workshop to. I was impressed at the amount of attentativeness and effort put into learning the rep, from the ad who has a striking resemblence of Adam shankman.

After a quick break i learned a little more about the studios I was dancing in, and San diego dance scene on a whole ( but I will report on that later on the week as I learn more)

When we moved into new work I started to get more challenged. The choreographer was a guest, a six foot three inches guy that was... In love with the floor. So I made every attempt to move like him as my short stalky body would allow. My butt had been kicked thoroughly. and it was one of those "go when you think the music is telling you to" pieces with lots of chaos on the first day. So that's when I started feeling the burn!

So far so good! I am now waiting at home for Chris so I can eat some nom noms, maybe play some wii, and wait for the sore to set in. I can already tell tomorrow might be more difficult now that I know what to expect... And the second day sore will be settled in... Yipes!

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