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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Chill out!

I have not meant to be neglagent, but when my routine ends, so does my blogging sometimes.

It was nice to have a weekend to clear my head and rest. Friday was spent after class at the shores for some snorkel time and than to fiesta island for some fireworks. The bat rays were out in full force in the cove, which was pretty cool, and seaworld has fireworks everynight from June to September, so that's cool. But after a full day of dance and half day of swimming, I was sacked out in no time. Good thing I had nothing to do on saturday because I was wiped out.

Saturday was A few errands and a lot of sun. We went back to the shores for some serious boogie boarding and football. The swimming was actually making my toe feel better too, to my surprise. Than we went to old towns, drank, and passed out. It was quite possibly a perfect day off.

I did some retail bonding with my sister. We learned very early that no one wants to shop with two sisters, because we pretty much have our own language. I really only do my serious shopping with other people, but so far my sister and jolie are my most trusted shopping therapists. Anyways, the hippie in me found great sandals in sun diego, sanuk brand. They are flip flop soles with canvas covers, and they are hand made, microfibered for durability, and the soles are made from yoga mat. And they are recycled materials. They are already super comfy, and I am highly supporting the brand starting now.

After the lazy day of shopping, laundry, and wii sports, I think I am ready to dive back in tomorrow. I think I have a shin splint also from all the walking this weekend, so when that heals I'll be even stronger. Woo.

On a side note, I am bringing jolie with me to new York. She sent me encouraging texts on Thursday and I almost cried. While I know there are always my dance girls for support, jolie continues to support me even while she is never fully sure what I am up to, and I don't tell people enough how grateful I am to have their support. And I truly think I would have given up by now if I were left to my own devices. And yet, it's Sunday, and my alarm is set for another day of floorburns and athletic tape...

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