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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Friends: I'm BACK!

IT finally happened.

I knew this day would come, and it finally did.

I was in the shower this morning, and 16 year old me smacked me upside the head... and it felt good.

That's the punch line. I'll Tarantino it back so you know what I'm talking about.

When I was 16, I couldn't wait for college. I chose my clothes and habits specifically to prepare for it. I wore my tube socks and sweats like a badge of pride, I was too athletic to wear a skirt. Also, I was training to be a dancer, and I remember it being November, and the vivid memory that popped into my head was me wearing my ankle weights under my sweats, so I could sit and do my chem calculations WHILE sculpting my inner thighs for the grande battements that were gonna kick my but only a mere 6 hours later. I... was a multi-tasker.

Weird? It gets weirder.

I also used to do weird things like inspect the cracks in the cement to try and find a pattern. or watch ants to see if they had any weird patterns that I could steal and make dance formations... and if anyone ever caught me doing such odd things and have the nerve to ask me what I was doing. My answer was plain and simple...

"I'm conducting research."

One last thing... I have this thing about sleeping dirty. It used to be because I would dance so hard during the day I NEEDED to shower at night, there was no other option.

So... when I was showering this morning (because now I have to actually look like a person during the day) A voice came. God, my conscience, or whomever, came to me in the voice of 16 year old me. And they had a clear message:


Excuse me? I replied in my head. I had not slept well, which is why I was up.

"You've given up. Your a stiff. A working. Stiff."

and I wanted to argue, but there was one minor problem: My voice was right. I was on my way to a 12 hour day where I would get NO physical activity in, which was why I was not sleeping at night.

Well, I could have argued. I could have blamed society, my bills, school. But not today, a very important other voice came into my head...

"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change..."

And I remembered My project with the City to be launched in JAnuary.

It was like I was in training all over again.

I got out of the shower and moonwalked (in my head) to my closet to pick out my outfit. While I have joined the working stiff world, I had to pick my outfit for the day carefully. JEans with a flair at the bottom.

Without HEsitation, I donned my jeans and ran down the stairs, leapt onto the big green couch and reached behind it where the wall meets the couch and pulled out....

... my blue ankle weights.

And as sure as I am typing this to you now, friends, I am working my hip flexors, greator trochantor, and Solar plexus from my desk.

Oh and that's not all.

With the help of Keri Smith (http://www.kerismith.com/) I became "An explorer of the world" once again... I took note of EVERY corner on the way to school from my house to the light rail to the office in which I am sitting now (Spiders do NOT congregate on the struts near the light rail station on fruitdale... the do at the convention center; if you are looking for a file folder at sjsu, it is PROBABLY in a corner... see?)

And when the VTA contacts me in January, I will be ready.

Friends, I am back.

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