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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A christmas story

It's more funny than to teach, but I'm goiong to tell it anyways...

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who went to a catholic school... There was nothing worng with going to a catholic school, but they did wear uniforms, whihc is where the conflict comes in this story. As a result, all the children at this catholic school could express their individuality in only one of 2 clothing mediums: Hair and Clothes, and even hair had a no hat policy.

It was in these accessories that the little girl developed her hat/shoe addiction, and had every hat and shoe accessory any little girl could possibly ask for. Her impressive hat collection had everything; newsboy caps from her grandfather, a pink brimmed hat for playing with grandma in the garden, a red Baret for family church... This little girl had everything she could possibly ask for.

Until one day, there was a new shoe in town. It was delightful! So sleek with high-tops, the crisp white laces, right down to the light up sides of the outside support that made the wearer's feet sparkle when they walked. The little girl in the commercial taunted the little girl, riding her bike to catchy music on the commercial, when she pumped her bike pedals the shoes lit up too! Obviously, these shoes were too good to be true...

.... L.A. Gears.

The little girl wanted them SO bad. She PINED for her L.A. Gears, until the next day after Saturday morning cartoons when she first saw the commercial, she went to school, and alas. Everyother little girl had the L.A. Gears that the little girl wanted. They were even more Perfect in person, but when 12 little little girls wore them, it looked as if they fit in with the uniform the girl had to wear everyday. And so her heart sank, because she knew now that she would never own a pair of the BEloved L.A. gears. On one hand, they were the very essence of everything she had hoped for in a shoe: classy & elegant. On the other hand, if she ran home and asked her generous parents for a pair, the magic was ruined, because she would always, even on weekends, be reminded of her uniform, and how it was only a matter of time before she had to go back to school.

And so she never asked, and in turn never Got the L.A. Gears.

Several years went by, and the little girl grew up. Her addiction to shoes and hats had slowly shifted to hats, shoes, scarves and bags. She had so many and was so happy, but now that the girl was ending her degree and moving into the adult world, she was hoping to find something to help her start her working career. What she sought after was a new bag: something practical and grown up; sophisticated and functional.

One day, in her last month of going to school, she found such a bag. The little girl saw her two best friends with the most beautiful bag she had ever seen. "what is that?!" The Little Girl cried.

"Lululemon" Her friends replied, "we each have one! Aren't they so functional?"

She ran right home and told her generous parents of the magical bag, but they laughed at her, telling her they bag was silly and not pretty. But, it didn't need to be pretty, it needed to be practical and functional. And it didn't matter that she found it at school, she now loved school and wanted to use it to remember the great education she had gotten. The little girl pined for her bag, and it laughed at her from the store window. When the time came for her to really get her degree, the economy was not in the best shape it had ever been in, and the thing that the little girl had been studying for so many years was dying like an exotic animal in the rainforest. So the little girl came up with a plan.

She ran home, only 18 days til chirstmas, and wrote out her plan to Santa.

"Dear Santa:
I know it is only 18 days until Christmas, and I have tried so hard to be a good girl this Year. Santa, this year, all I would like for Christmas is for California to remember how important art is to our community.

Santa, I know you are busy, and I know that this seems like such a big request. I know how to make this happen, Santa, but in order to do so, I might need a new tool. So Santa, if you cannot bring arts back into the bay for Christmas, can you please bring me a lululemon bag?
Love always,
The Little Girl"

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