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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In the Spirit of Christmas.

I have done it.
I am 14 hours away from my last final... and 3 days away from my certification test. and while I tried to think of who i was and how I got here in May when I walked, I found it hard to do because I knew I would be back this semester, so I just couldn't take it seriously.

And yet, here I am. Maybe it is because of Christmas, or my productive day, but I found myself compiling a list of all the people who I should, and would thank. Affirmations have always been a huge part of my life, and I think maybe now, at the beginning of a new chapter in life, I would take the time to affirm them, as I know when I win a Tony, I would never have enough time:

To my biggest supporter, and trail blazer, My sister Chrissy: For reminding me we come from a family of champions.

To my Brother Danny: who always keeps me thinking outside the box.

My mother: Who always told me I could do anything I wanted, and meant it.

My Father: for being my biggest creative inspiration of my life. From making up his own game, being his own boss, and never understanding me, I will always strive for his approval (read: affection).

To My Grandfather, Papa Q.: who reminds me daily that while most people strive for 15 minutes of fame, We strive for lifetime achievement awards. Also, you can go further in life with a positive demeanor, hard work ethic, and honest heart then any certificate, degree, or trophy will take you.

To My Grandma Q: Who reminds me that being a lady is not old-fashioned or stuffy, but classy and appealing

To My Grandma D: for giving me, what my roommate calls "Passion in my blood".

To my deceased grandparents: They are watching me.

To Andy and Else Sinsigalli: My pseudo-parents, whom even while raising their own children found a way to support and guide me in all my decisions.

To Karen and Dan Brady: for helping shape my young adolescent mind into a positive healthy experience:

To Mary and Melissa Muntz: for teaching more than just ballet barre and how to dance in 2.5 inch heels.

To Carolyn Felker, My first and oldest boss, for giving me the option to leave and come back as my schedule allowed. I would not have taken the risks I did in college had I not always had an income to come back to.

To Jolie: for being my shoulder to cry on, my listening wall, my whipping post, and my partner in crime throughout my college career.

To Gary, Fred, and Janie: for reminding me to take chances, be arrogant and to always do something.

To Jason Becker and Wayne Cope: two people I would never make a lasting decision about without weighing the pros and cons with them.

And hardly last, but all my closest friends through school: Christine, Denise, Shawn, T.J., Vanessa, Alex, Dante, Kiersten, Charlene, Megan, Morgan, Andrea, Heather, Corinne, Jamie, Claire, Rachel, Savs, Stephanie, Ash, Renae, Bridget, Toby, and Matt: for giving me the support, guidance, and strength to be myself.

Back to the books....

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