Such. Is. Life. The only difference is the fun. When the curtain opens and you hear the applause, there is something gratifying. And it is all worth it.
I have recently taken on the role of a group fitness instructor... and so far it is so hard.
So. Hard.
The trouble is that people don't like change. So when a fresh faced, new kid shows up, no on likes it. And It's not paying yet. And when I come home, in the rain, to a kitchen window opened, and the heater blasting... It makes me upset. Call me my dad, but when I am working hard to make money, I don't like it to be wasted... out the window... in the form of heat.
And I know its supposed to be Hard the first couple months... And I know its only the first week. But I am not sure I can see the light at the end of the tunnel... And if Anything, I have learned that I really am only meant to do one thing: Dance.
Hang in there baby! One foot in front of the other WILL get you there!!