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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Monday, August 30, 2010

High maintenance friend, moi

I do not claim to be low maintenance in the least. 

In fact I often joke with my boyfriend that he will try and get rid of me as soon as he realizes HOW high maintenance I actually am... This of course, is funny because he knew me BEFORE we started dating me, and Still thinks I am fantastic (for some reason even I cannot explain).  What I think is funny is when people (girls in particular) cannot, as I call "identify the crazy".  And for this I repeatedly apologize to my man friends, who are now under the impression I am LESS Looney because I do not think I am always right, and have an ability to identify the crazy?

What does this mean? Well, I am on the last few days of my alcoholic abstinence, I can sum up a few things: 1) giving up alcohol saves you money, but not necessarily weight (depending on what you use to substitute your drink... in my case, pretzel M&M's) 2) If you choose not to drink when you go out, the social aspect of it is all in your head.  I went out to bars on many occassions during this project, and ordered a diet coke... No one cared.  It was when I DIDN't have anything in my hand that people would make a fuss.  I think the point is, when someone walks into your house, you offer them a drink (water or otherwise), if you are at a restaurant, you get water... if you are in a bar cupless, it doesn't matter if you are drinking white lightening or water, your company just wants you to be comfortable (which apparently equates to hydrated... who knew?)

And as a side note, I am going to be meditating the next few days (til friday) on what my next month long project will be, and if I will start it in September, or if I will wait til october when Dance in Transit has passed.  I have been thinking of a few different ideas, and here are the ones I have liked the most: 

1) Run once a day for the next two months (in prep for a mud race I might be running at the end of Oct.)
2) Take a picture everyday for one month (this will MAKE me post daily, and also force me to get a new Camera)
3) Wear one band t-shirt a day for a whole month (thinking this may be better for october) 
4) Talk to one new person a day (forcing me to get out from behind the computer) 

Of course all weigh ins are welcomed, and while I am hoping to post before I do take on another endeavor, I feel it is only appropriate to talk about the glassware... 

My father tells this story at almost any dinner party (or at least he used to) and this year for my birthday I passed it onto a select few who came to celebrate with me.  In the days of Kings and Queens, before a meal was ate, the king would pour his beverage into the glass of the man on his right, and that man would pass it to his right, until the beverage had made it all the way around the table.  This practice was a ritual to take precaution in case someone might have tried to poison the king, they would also be poisoning the entire court.  The clinking of glasses happens now, because this is the sound the glasses made when the drink was being poured from glass to glass now.  We cheers to our health, our family, and the loyalty of our friends who would drink from your same cup, with you in your homes.  

While I recognize to be high maintenance, I cheers to my loyal readers who I am flattered even continue to support and hate on everything I do.  I wouldn't be doing my job correctly if I weren't stirring up some emotion, be it wanting to see James bond on cinema, or running to tell my grandmother I am obsessed with liquor... either way I have charmed or disgusted my way into your brains! 


Thursday, August 26, 2010

One Bourbon, Scotch, and Beer

Life is about choices... I've been told.

Recently, I have not been good with those.  Specifically, the fact that I get crazy after drinking one cup of coffee, and I have just now ordered a HUGE Philz Mint Mojito, which is promising to keep me up til tuesday (I have drink 3/4's of it, and am already in panic mode... That's what happens when I drink coffee)

I woke up to a sun shiny, day, singing a catchy little tune in my head, got half way through my coffee, and all of a sudden my brain went....


Isn't it funny how caffine effects people?

I have been told faith is a hundred percent trust and surrender.  I didn't invest this money thinking I wouldn't make it back (PEople DO care about the arts, I know... They just don't know it yet I feel.) The thing of it is, is that it is defined in so many ways.

 Think about Apple.  Why are they so successful? They are Creative with their ads, products, and continue to push the envelope... ALWAYS.  People thinks Steve Jobs is crazy and his products are mindblowing....


While you think that silly brain in your hand that you HAVE to have the latest version of is an iphone and pioneering technology, It has take years of testing creative solving, and aesthetics to get it just perfect so it fits conveniently into your back pocket... It's a work of art.

Back to analogies.  I have always had issues with trust (I think starting when I had a bad boyfriend experience at 16), and so it is really hard for me to surrender the idea that I will infact, meet my fundraising goal (and surpass it in 12 days).  Trust is knowing your car headlight only shine 200 feet in front of you, and yet you drive 50 miles from SF to SJ at 10 at night... I make this drive twice a week at least.

"But Nat Q, you know that this works because you can also see the lights of people in front of you on your journey with you."

Well, that i the trust part.  I have seen other pioneers, Martha, Twyla, I would even say Brenda Way, KT Nelson, Tawnya, and Gary are pioneers.  I can see those headlights, I just gotta pace myself so they don't fall out of sight?

What does the title have to do with this post? because I have been true to my word, No alcohol for the past 26 days, but after the coffee, I am ready for all three of these, Just like George... But not quite

Speaking of choices, The last time I had my own rendition of a BSB, I did not make good choices (I was 22) And here is that recipie... I think it's called a skittle... Please drink with caution...

(And if you want to help donate to DIT, just click the link on the side of my blog... please?)

Skittle mixed drink
3 count Raspberry Vodka
3 count Sierra Mist
1 count Orange Liquor

In that order, Serve over ice... Taste the rainbow.

ALSO: New friends (sorta) I love photos, and I had the pleasure of working with a fellow blogger recently... She takes GORGEOUS picture... and this is the link to her website! Happy browsing!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It seems that whenever Life gets busy, I neglect writing.  Today is the first day I have turned off the noise without completely going MIA.

Let me just say, good things are happening.  A few months ago I thought I had found my dream job.  And yet something was missing.  Well, I'm back.  I guess the part I was missing was reality.

I recently chatted with a friend about the pro's of going to an all girl school (which I did).  The one thing I could really come up with is that, it puts priorities into a prospective.  High school was NOT the end all be all, it wasn't reality completed, because their was one key ingredient missing: BOYS! Not to say that boys are life, but they are a part of it, just like art, and sports, and other things that i did in high school, NOT at high school.  And when Work became my "reality", I kinda lost sight of that... BALANCE!!! It's about BALANCE! Work, School, Play.  Or in my case, Work, Play, Family (now).

Speaking of balance, I was recently in my father's office and saw this 6 sided dye.  On the sides were numbered priorites: 1) engineer, 2) Spouse, 3) father, 4) Participant, 5) Citizen, 6) Professional.  But what caught my eye was the adjustment he had made to the 6 sided dye.  My dad had taken a sharpie and re-wrote the top 3 priorities: 1) Spouse, 2) father, 3) Engineer.

This to me was CRAZY!

IF you know me and my dad's relationship (which most people don;t because you would need an hour and a bottle of red wine) you know we have had our ups and downs, and something about the dye made me feel like dad finally had figured it out... like all those years and dollars poured into therapy might have clicked.  And I sometimes wonder if I had helped by being the terror I am/was.

So what is a Celebration drink? Personally, I think I have a TON of prosecco.  I wish I knew a history, other than preRoman, HARDly distinguishable from asti's (the before dinner drink), I like it as much as Champagne.  YUM! YUM YUM! I have a half a case of almond champagne in my house! Here's To balance! Can't wait for this experiment to be over!

Monday, August 9, 2010


and I'm not talking about money!

Recently, I have been reading a book from one of my favorite celebrity chefs about how to cook old world ITalian.  Although it was a long, alcohol filled weekend (not on my end), I have been recently intrigued by the mystical plant known as basil... Plus there is a small thicket of it taking over my kitchen right now.

While I have yet to try this, I am intrigued by the thought of an unorthodox ingredient in a drink. This is the most appetizing mixture I could find.

It's called a Starry Lime:

  1. Add Van Gogh Wild Appel Vodka, cranberry juice, basil and lime juice into a shaker filled with ice.
  2. Shake vigorously and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice.
  3. Garnish with a fresh basil leaf.
... Right? YUM!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 4: Q... Nat Q.

Let's talk Politics a second.  

GASP! I never talk politics (or religion) in public, because I have a cousin who told me "It can only end in screaming fits or tears" which I agree with.

I find it very disconcerting to be working retail in a place that I call "the row".  

Tonight is wednesday, and while I was leaving work at 9:30, people, YOUNG people, were out, or coming out to the row in their gucci and Prada... What are these people doing for jobs? And how do I get hooked up in that field!!! Shoot.

Secondly, I am attempting to raise money to start an artistic revolution, and not only did I not get any backers today at ALL, but I work in a location where I saw (twice today at least) someone come in and spend an EXCESSIVE amount of money on pants only to have them altered.... into shorts.

We sell shorts.  We are in a recession.  Your excessive spending is TACKY! you do not need 8 pairs of pants.  Their are not even 8 days in a week, and I am sure that somewhere between watching your dog and rewaxing your car your au pair has time to wash your expensive clothes!

... I need a drink.  

But not from the Row! no no no! That would surely have cost me a fortune ($12) and I would still remember 8pants lady. 

Who knows the drink of refinement only suited for the Row? 

Enter Mister Bond... James Bond.  

Like Hannibal Lector to Chianti, James Bond to the Martini... that's Shaken, not stirred.  The MArtini has a long history to it also (I feel I could discuss it later, as it is one of my favorite mixed drinks and it could be addressed over the span of a week), the James bond martini is (gasp!) not the same as the original MArtini, which is not the same as my staple martini (grey goose lemon drop, sugar on the rim)

A Martini is simple, gin, vermouth, a green olive or lemon peel (depending how you feel), and 6 ice cubes... That's Right!

Also, let's talk about the glass... They are distinguished from other cocktail glasses by their sharply tapered bowl. The conical shape helps keep ingredients from separating, Some people say that the wide brim produces surface tension that helps bring out the gin's bouquet. Others believe it was developed to show off the olive or onion to best advantage. Conspiracy theorists suggest that necessity was the mother of invention when it came to wide brim cocktail glasses.

But, here it is, the James Bond martini (try and order it in a bar... I have yet to find someone who knows it well enough to give it to you in a champagne goblet, and also, it is VERY bitter. I'll stick with my lemony martini) 

3 oz gin
1 oz vodka
1/2 oz Lillet® Blanc wine

Pour the gin, vodka and Lillet blanc into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon, and serve.

Day three: Mint and gasoline.

SO yesterday was a full day and I thought alcohol wouldn't come up but surely it did!

To prove statistics are not just a bunch of phoney- baloney, My mom told someone about my project this month.  They asked "WHY?" as if it were crazy to give up something... And then went onto say they couldn;t do it because of the social aspect.

What is it about this magical drink that makes it so crazy to give up.  If I said I were gonna give up say, Red meat... or... carbs, I don;t think anyone these days would care to venture to ask more about it.. Dairy, red meat, carbs, sweets (we'll get to that in a few) everyone is ok.  But, as soon as you say you are giving up alcohol everyone gets concerned... I'm just trying it out ok? Sheesh peeps, no worries I'm going back!

The conversation continued, and somehow we started talking about mint Juleps.  I don;t know Much about this drink at all, not the way I know about red wine anyways, but I did some research and this is what I found out.

Mint Julep is a SUPER old drink.  The comment that was made about mint Julep is that it "taste like gasoline".  I looked at what it was made out of, and it looks like I found the answer: BOURBON! Now, I am not much of a bourbon drinker, and I think it probably cuz I haven't invested much time effort or money into finding a good one, but I can tell you this: cheap bourbon (and alcohol in general) tastes like gasoline.  Mint Juleps are made of Bourbon, sugar, water, and mint... and that's all... so deceiving because if you ask me the word "Julep" is so pretty, I might order it just to say the word (if I were young and trashed).  IT is also the staple drink of the KEntucky derby... figures.

Later yesterday, I went out to "da club" with my roommate to see a DJ friend of hers play (shout out to Don Lynch!).  I wwent cuz I like to dance, but mostly because I wanted to see a club sober.  I am not much of a clubber, and I sometimes wonder if I missed out in college.

I SO DID NOT! If last night was a look into my generation, I weep for the future.  Not only did the drinks look crappy (BARTENDERS! EDUCATE YOURSELVES! IT'S ABOUT POUR COUNT!), but the "dancing" was appalling? And what do I have to compare it to? I have seen footage of clubs for previous generations, and our generation doesn't even hold a CANDLE to our Parents.  Friends, go to our Parents house, bring them a bottle of their favorite Bourbon and put on some Ray charles.... AND TAKE NOTES!!! My parents can tear it up and I bet yours could to... ridiculous.  But down your rubix cube's, step away from your computers, and learn to mix a drink and dance.  it's about being well-rounded people.

I get the social aspect of it, I easily could have seen myself dropping close to $30 last night on drinks (It was hot, sweaty, I only knew one person, and I was in a club on a tuesday with overpriced drinks.)  I would say I would have probably had 2-3 mixed drinks, plus tip for the tender... That's probably about 20-24 bucks.

Saved twenty bucks in my mind! I bought some fresh basil and italian parsley today with my savings... and enough pasta to hold me through winter... three drinks or a season's worth of pasta? Why didn't I give this up before?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day two: Welcome to the world of Wine-o's

Alcohol is funny because of the taboos that go with it.

And like I imagined, this is harder than I first thought.  I saw on someone's update today "it's not my fault I get off work at 2pm...therefore, no, it is not "too early" for a beer."  It Made me chuckle because I can't even REMEMBER how many times I have resisted this thought.  And I was doing great NOT drinking today until I saw my mom (around 8) and she offered me a glass of wine.  Since it was chardonnay, it was easy to turn down, but only after she offered red and I almost yelled "NO!" at her. No, meaning "No, how dare you open a fresh bottle and drink it yourself knowing I won't have any!"

What is it about Red wine? The drink I know to be native to my people (both figuratively and literally), the purply-red syrup has been around since day one.  My papa Q. drinks red wine every night with dinner, and my father kept a boxed wine (don't knock it, boxed wine is the BEST way to store wine, you snobs...) for as long as I can remember, following in this tradition.  But Why? why??? Well, I can give you a million reasons, but like anything, it is to be drank in moderation (the benefits of red wine come from 2 to 3, 6-8 ounces, and 8 is a generous serving....)

For starters, scholarly journals (including but not limited to the university of Florida) show that, unlike most alcoholic beverages, red wine actually builds up the immune system instead of weakening it the way most do.

Nextly, the antioxidants in red wine have shown (by scholarly and drinking enthusiasts alike) to reduce Coronary heart disease, stress, blood clots, hypertension, kidney stones, and Alzheimer's disease.

Red wine has a HUGE extensive history of preparations and customs that go with it (that I can Divulge later).  My personal favorite is a good bottle of Cabernet, but I just recently found a 2003 PEtite Syrah that has proven to be the most complex red wine I have ever drank (after first opening, it tasted of oak and chocolate... five minutes later, is that cherries??? 20 minutes of sitting, licorice? This is blowing my mind).  There are books written as to how to pin point a "good" wine, but any Italian will tell you "its good if you like the taste".  My sister the personal trainer went through a phase where all she wanted at the end of a long day was a bowl of popcorn and a glass of red wine (though I prefer chocolates or cheeses with mine... hence the pudge)..

Side note on pudge: part of the problem with alcohol is it makes you eat... water doesn't require cheese or chocolate.  Beer and pretzels though? Wine and cheese? Martini and olives? all unnecessary!

Never drink your wine out of a metal glass, as the metal messes with the chemistry, turning your treat sour!

And I will say, after no drink for a good 48 hours, I was definitely sweating more in my hot yoga class than ever before (alcohols in general dehydrate you).

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I think I have said before, I need goals.  

Short term, disciplined, to the point goals.  And I especially like when I can check things off my list.  

It is for this reason that I am giving up alcohol for 30 days (33 to be exact).  

Now, let's get one thing straight... I am not an alcoholic.  I have never been an alcoholic, and have no real thoughts of becoming one anytime soon.  I drink occasionally on the weekend, and Love red wine.  SO why have I chosen this? 

Well, here's why.  Between weddings, fourth of July, and all of the wine festivals I have attended in the past month, I am starting to notice the some changes around my mid-section that I am not so found of! Plus there is not a whole lot about it that is good for you (Lie: Red wine is chocked full of anti-oxidants, and my family swears by it... but this i not what I have been drinking recently), and, point blank, it is just straight UP embarrassing to be in a hot yoga class and sweat the chardonnay from last night's dinner with Dad.  

Plus, I am SUPER looking forward to a vacation at the end of the summer (labor Day weekend, to be exact) is going to mark the end of my drinking celibacy.  I only came up with this idea a few days ago (in hot yoga) that I would give it up for all of august (and then some).  It will be a challenge, mainly because when you say "don't think about alcohol" what is the first thing you think of? That's right.  Plus, august will be hot, and Lemonade is so delicious with a little vodka in it :)

Let's set a few more ground rules: If i go out to a place where alcohol is present, I will tally an estimate in what I think I might have drank at the establishment, and be keeping a tally of what I save by NOT drinking.  This money will go into my savings.  Any drink I crave will be researched (no dissertations, just a quick summary), and in the event I lose weight, I will be weighing in every sunday.  How's that for a project?

I googled "why do people drink alcohol?" and most of the hits from "studies" and informal polls say: for socializing.  Hmmm... This makes sense, but I remember their being a time when it was not so hard to socialize without alcohol... so what makes it so magic? I hope to find out this august.  I also plan on posting more alcohol related facts, traditions, or maybe even some recipes.  The second most popular reason people drink (according to .com's and informal polls) is because they like the taste... which made me wonder who they were polling, because if it were 19-25 years olds as one site reported, I am calling shenanigans and tom-foolery right now on them! I did NOT like the taste of alcohol (except a good Cabernet) at 19.  

TO reflect on the sociability aspect of it, let's talk about my last drink.  Last night I went out to mexican food with my Dave and his Parents.  It was Mexican food.  And guess what I had? Yup.  House margarita.  If you know me you know I don't drink beer, so margarita is the next traditional drink of choice in American Establishments.  I am not really a huge margarita drinker.  I grew up on them and I think at family gatherings I got enough "tequila-ritas" (as we called them) before I was even 18, let alone 21.   It is also for this reason that I am particular about my margartias.

This one was NO GOOD! Had I thought about it, it was maybe the worse Idea for a last drink.  So why was a drinking it??? Sociability, baby!  Don't get me wrong, Dave and his parents are great, but when the three of them get together, all they talk about is... airplanes.  And not that I don't like airplanes, but don't breathe them the way they do.  And all the jargon that goes on is like a different language.  So.... sip sip sip! after you get almost to the bottom it is not so bad! And now I can not feel so bad for not keeping up with the conversation, because now my brain is moving pretty quickly through other notions... and it doesn't MATTER that I am in Natalie land... I have nothing to contribute to the airplane conversation anyways.  I big bowl of tequila makes me socially acceptable.... and ready for bed!

Sidenote: If you are trying to lose weight, margaritas are the WORST way to go... One margarita (frozen) is in and around 250 calories!!!!! that is one that is 6ish oz.... NOT the FISHbowls they normally give you in restaurants... those are about 400... Just saying.  


Game, Set, Match!!!

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and TODAY have been THE MOST GREATEST DAYS EVER!!!

Seriously. Things are working out.  

While I would love to go back and tell in detail how I kicked off the best 3 day weekend of life, I'm afraid that today's descriptions of Thursday would not do it justice.  Just know I was FLYING.  It amazes me how people can work mundane jobs, while I would rather EARN my money.  And that is how thursday felt.  I EARNED It.  Not just my Time their, but the prizes and great company I had that Followed.  PLUS, Dance in Transit got approved on a fundraising website! 

And if thursday was great,  Friday was better.  I went to Northern california to visit Dave's Parents, and while we were there we met some interesting people (sidenote: anyone know how to get a patent? thanks.) Plus we went into east Tahoe for some beach volleyball and swimming... What made this day for me I think though was the idea that I am getting back into shape... whether I want to think about it or not, The last two weeks of Hot yoga, and my feeble attempts at crossfit I could feel the benefit out on the volleyball court! It never amazes me what a little activity will do for you.  

Now... If friday was great, Saturday rocked the HOUSE!!!! "Do one thing a day that scares you" is a school of thought widely practiced at work... sO I Went MOUNTAIN BIKING!!! For the first time ever! It was scary! and exhilerating!!! Like a wobbly rollercoaster almost! I was trying to be brave, but inside I was super nervous.  And after four hours and only some minor injures (read: Road rash and bruised Left leg)... then it was a successful day! Plus I was in a BEAUTIFUL setting (kirkwood, ca) with AWESOME friends (B-rad & Dave) and at the end of the day we wandered over to the wildflower festival for an artwalk and some wine tasting... Sweating it up in the day, celebrate in the afternoon, good night sleep.  I Lived the Dream!!! 

Game. Set. Match.