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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day three: Mint and gasoline.

SO yesterday was a full day and I thought alcohol wouldn't come up but surely it did!

To prove statistics are not just a bunch of phoney- baloney, My mom told someone about my project this month.  They asked "WHY?" as if it were crazy to give up something... And then went onto say they couldn;t do it because of the social aspect.

What is it about this magical drink that makes it so crazy to give up.  If I said I were gonna give up say, Red meat... or... carbs, I don;t think anyone these days would care to venture to ask more about it.. Dairy, red meat, carbs, sweets (we'll get to that in a few) everyone is ok.  But, as soon as you say you are giving up alcohol everyone gets concerned... I'm just trying it out ok? Sheesh peeps, no worries I'm going back!

The conversation continued, and somehow we started talking about mint Juleps.  I don;t know Much about this drink at all, not the way I know about red wine anyways, but I did some research and this is what I found out.

Mint Julep is a SUPER old drink.  The comment that was made about mint Julep is that it "taste like gasoline".  I looked at what it was made out of, and it looks like I found the answer: BOURBON! Now, I am not much of a bourbon drinker, and I think it probably cuz I haven't invested much time effort or money into finding a good one, but I can tell you this: cheap bourbon (and alcohol in general) tastes like gasoline.  Mint Juleps are made of Bourbon, sugar, water, and mint... and that's all... so deceiving because if you ask me the word "Julep" is so pretty, I might order it just to say the word (if I were young and trashed).  IT is also the staple drink of the KEntucky derby... figures.

Later yesterday, I went out to "da club" with my roommate to see a DJ friend of hers play (shout out to Don Lynch!).  I wwent cuz I like to dance, but mostly because I wanted to see a club sober.  I am not much of a clubber, and I sometimes wonder if I missed out in college.

I SO DID NOT! If last night was a look into my generation, I weep for the future.  Not only did the drinks look crappy (BARTENDERS! EDUCATE YOURSELVES! IT'S ABOUT POUR COUNT!), but the "dancing" was appalling? And what do I have to compare it to? I have seen footage of clubs for previous generations, and our generation doesn't even hold a CANDLE to our Parents.  Friends, go to our Parents house, bring them a bottle of their favorite Bourbon and put on some Ray charles.... AND TAKE NOTES!!! My parents can tear it up and I bet yours could to... ridiculous.  But down your rubix cube's, step away from your computers, and learn to mix a drink and dance.  it's about being well-rounded people.

I get the social aspect of it, I easily could have seen myself dropping close to $30 last night on drinks (It was hot, sweaty, I only knew one person, and I was in a club on a tuesday with overpriced drinks.)  I would say I would have probably had 2-3 mixed drinks, plus tip for the tender... That's probably about 20-24 bucks.

Saved twenty bucks in my mind! I bought some fresh basil and italian parsley today with my savings... and enough pasta to hold me through winter... three drinks or a season's worth of pasta? Why didn't I give this up before?

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