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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Monday, August 30, 2010

High maintenance friend, moi

I do not claim to be low maintenance in the least. 

In fact I often joke with my boyfriend that he will try and get rid of me as soon as he realizes HOW high maintenance I actually am... This of course, is funny because he knew me BEFORE we started dating me, and Still thinks I am fantastic (for some reason even I cannot explain).  What I think is funny is when people (girls in particular) cannot, as I call "identify the crazy".  And for this I repeatedly apologize to my man friends, who are now under the impression I am LESS Looney because I do not think I am always right, and have an ability to identify the crazy?

What does this mean? Well, I am on the last few days of my alcoholic abstinence, I can sum up a few things: 1) giving up alcohol saves you money, but not necessarily weight (depending on what you use to substitute your drink... in my case, pretzel M&M's) 2) If you choose not to drink when you go out, the social aspect of it is all in your head.  I went out to bars on many occassions during this project, and ordered a diet coke... No one cared.  It was when I DIDN't have anything in my hand that people would make a fuss.  I think the point is, when someone walks into your house, you offer them a drink (water or otherwise), if you are at a restaurant, you get water... if you are in a bar cupless, it doesn't matter if you are drinking white lightening or water, your company just wants you to be comfortable (which apparently equates to hydrated... who knew?)

And as a side note, I am going to be meditating the next few days (til friday) on what my next month long project will be, and if I will start it in September, or if I will wait til october when Dance in Transit has passed.  I have been thinking of a few different ideas, and here are the ones I have liked the most: 

1) Run once a day for the next two months (in prep for a mud race I might be running at the end of Oct.)
2) Take a picture everyday for one month (this will MAKE me post daily, and also force me to get a new Camera)
3) Wear one band t-shirt a day for a whole month (thinking this may be better for october) 
4) Talk to one new person a day (forcing me to get out from behind the computer) 

Of course all weigh ins are welcomed, and while I am hoping to post before I do take on another endeavor, I feel it is only appropriate to talk about the glassware... 

My father tells this story at almost any dinner party (or at least he used to) and this year for my birthday I passed it onto a select few who came to celebrate with me.  In the days of Kings and Queens, before a meal was ate, the king would pour his beverage into the glass of the man on his right, and that man would pass it to his right, until the beverage had made it all the way around the table.  This practice was a ritual to take precaution in case someone might have tried to poison the king, they would also be poisoning the entire court.  The clinking of glasses happens now, because this is the sound the glasses made when the drink was being poured from glass to glass now.  We cheers to our health, our family, and the loyalty of our friends who would drink from your same cup, with you in your homes.  

While I recognize to be high maintenance, I cheers to my loyal readers who I am flattered even continue to support and hate on everything I do.  I wouldn't be doing my job correctly if I weren't stirring up some emotion, be it wanting to see James bond on cinema, or running to tell my grandmother I am obsessed with liquor... either way I have charmed or disgusted my way into your brains! 


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