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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Game, Set, Match!!!

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and TODAY have been THE MOST GREATEST DAYS EVER!!!

Seriously. Things are working out.  

While I would love to go back and tell in detail how I kicked off the best 3 day weekend of life, I'm afraid that today's descriptions of Thursday would not do it justice.  Just know I was FLYING.  It amazes me how people can work mundane jobs, while I would rather EARN my money.  And that is how thursday felt.  I EARNED It.  Not just my Time their, but the prizes and great company I had that Followed.  PLUS, Dance in Transit got approved on a fundraising website! 

And if thursday was great,  Friday was better.  I went to Northern california to visit Dave's Parents, and while we were there we met some interesting people (sidenote: anyone know how to get a patent? thanks.) Plus we went into east Tahoe for some beach volleyball and swimming... What made this day for me I think though was the idea that I am getting back into shape... whether I want to think about it or not, The last two weeks of Hot yoga, and my feeble attempts at crossfit I could feel the benefit out on the volleyball court! It never amazes me what a little activity will do for you.  

Now... If friday was great, Saturday rocked the HOUSE!!!! "Do one thing a day that scares you" is a school of thought widely practiced at work... sO I Went MOUNTAIN BIKING!!! For the first time ever! It was scary! and exhilerating!!! Like a wobbly rollercoaster almost! I was trying to be brave, but inside I was super nervous.  And after four hours and only some minor injures (read: Road rash and bruised Left leg)... then it was a successful day! Plus I was in a BEAUTIFUL setting (kirkwood, ca) with AWESOME friends (B-rad & Dave) and at the end of the day we wandered over to the wildflower festival for an artwalk and some wine tasting... Sweating it up in the day, celebrate in the afternoon, good night sleep.  I Lived the Dream!!! 

Game. Set. Match.

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