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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

One Bourbon, Scotch, and Beer

Life is about choices... I've been told.

Recently, I have not been good with those.  Specifically, the fact that I get crazy after drinking one cup of coffee, and I have just now ordered a HUGE Philz Mint Mojito, which is promising to keep me up til tuesday (I have drink 3/4's of it, and am already in panic mode... That's what happens when I drink coffee)

I woke up to a sun shiny, day, singing a catchy little tune in my head, got half way through my coffee, and all of a sudden my brain went....


Isn't it funny how caffine effects people?

I have been told faith is a hundred percent trust and surrender.  I didn't invest this money thinking I wouldn't make it back (PEople DO care about the arts, I know... They just don't know it yet I feel.) The thing of it is, is that it is defined in so many ways.

 Think about Apple.  Why are they so successful? They are Creative with their ads, products, and continue to push the envelope... ALWAYS.  People thinks Steve Jobs is crazy and his products are mindblowing....


While you think that silly brain in your hand that you HAVE to have the latest version of is an iphone and pioneering technology, It has take years of testing creative solving, and aesthetics to get it just perfect so it fits conveniently into your back pocket... It's a work of art.

Back to analogies.  I have always had issues with trust (I think starting when I had a bad boyfriend experience at 16), and so it is really hard for me to surrender the idea that I will infact, meet my fundraising goal (and surpass it in 12 days).  Trust is knowing your car headlight only shine 200 feet in front of you, and yet you drive 50 miles from SF to SJ at 10 at night... I make this drive twice a week at least.

"But Nat Q, you know that this works because you can also see the lights of people in front of you on your journey with you."

Well, that i the trust part.  I have seen other pioneers, Martha, Twyla, I would even say Brenda Way, KT Nelson, Tawnya, and Gary are pioneers.  I can see those headlights, I just gotta pace myself so they don't fall out of sight?

What does the title have to do with this post? because I have been true to my word, No alcohol for the past 26 days, but after the coffee, I am ready for all three of these, Just like George... But not quite

Speaking of choices, The last time I had my own rendition of a BSB, I did not make good choices (I was 22) And here is that recipie... I think it's called a skittle... Please drink with caution...

(And if you want to help donate to DIT, just click the link on the side of my blog... please?)

Skittle mixed drink
3 count Raspberry Vodka
3 count Sierra Mist
1 count Orange Liquor

In that order, Serve over ice... Taste the rainbow.

ALSO: New friends (sorta) I love photos, and I had the pleasure of working with a fellow blogger recently... She takes GORGEOUS picture... and this is the link to her website! Happy browsing!

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