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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 4: Q... Nat Q.

Let's talk Politics a second.  

GASP! I never talk politics (or religion) in public, because I have a cousin who told me "It can only end in screaming fits or tears" which I agree with.

I find it very disconcerting to be working retail in a place that I call "the row".  

Tonight is wednesday, and while I was leaving work at 9:30, people, YOUNG people, were out, or coming out to the row in their gucci and Prada... What are these people doing for jobs? And how do I get hooked up in that field!!! Shoot.

Secondly, I am attempting to raise money to start an artistic revolution, and not only did I not get any backers today at ALL, but I work in a location where I saw (twice today at least) someone come in and spend an EXCESSIVE amount of money on pants only to have them altered.... into shorts.

We sell shorts.  We are in a recession.  Your excessive spending is TACKY! you do not need 8 pairs of pants.  Their are not even 8 days in a week, and I am sure that somewhere between watching your dog and rewaxing your car your au pair has time to wash your expensive clothes!

... I need a drink.  

But not from the Row! no no no! That would surely have cost me a fortune ($12) and I would still remember 8pants lady. 

Who knows the drink of refinement only suited for the Row? 

Enter Mister Bond... James Bond.  

Like Hannibal Lector to Chianti, James Bond to the Martini... that's Shaken, not stirred.  The MArtini has a long history to it also (I feel I could discuss it later, as it is one of my favorite mixed drinks and it could be addressed over the span of a week), the James bond martini is (gasp!) not the same as the original MArtini, which is not the same as my staple martini (grey goose lemon drop, sugar on the rim)

A Martini is simple, gin, vermouth, a green olive or lemon peel (depending how you feel), and 6 ice cubes... That's Right!

Also, let's talk about the glass... They are distinguished from other cocktail glasses by their sharply tapered bowl. The conical shape helps keep ingredients from separating, Some people say that the wide brim produces surface tension that helps bring out the gin's bouquet. Others believe it was developed to show off the olive or onion to best advantage. Conspiracy theorists suggest that necessity was the mother of invention when it came to wide brim cocktail glasses.

But, here it is, the James Bond martini (try and order it in a bar... I have yet to find someone who knows it well enough to give it to you in a champagne goblet, and also, it is VERY bitter. I'll stick with my lemony martini) 

3 oz gin
1 oz vodka
1/2 oz Lillet® Blanc wine

Pour the gin, vodka and Lillet blanc into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon, and serve.

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