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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Coffee and my Family

To me, when I get a Starbucks coffee certificate, I smile and nod and say thank you and act like it is the best thing known to man. How sweet it is that someone took the time to think of me...

But inside, I shake my head. This poor student/uncle/client clearly knows nothing about me.

Trust me, I can find something to spend it on (or, Gasp! Regift it) but I feel as though I must address this as an issue because I know I am not the only person that feels this way. Here is why Starbucks gift cards are not good presents for me:

1) I don't even DRINK coffee! When I do, it's REAL coffee, free of syrups and the taste of Dirt (Philz coffee comes to mind). Aside from the Heart Palputations I get when I drink real coffee, I don't fully like the taste of it, and have done many studies in my collegiate years about its affects on one's body, it's benefits and connotations, and really have decided that if I am gonna drink coffee, it's gonna be the REAL deal, and not something I could brew in my house and make it taste the same way (aka, dirt). As a side note, addicts, did you know you get more energy from drinking Orange juice than you do from coffee? The natural Sugars in OJ is a longer lasting, natural stimulant that is not as harsh on your senses as caffine. Just saying.

2) I feel guilty and than want to use the card, giving me a chore: sure, you could argue "But there's tea and food at starbucks too". Indeed. In that instance, why is this gift Certificate not to Tevana (YUM!) or Trader Joe's, places I frequent on a MORE regular basis. The fact that you have now given me a chore, suggests that you obviously have no idea what I like, but was still thinking of me (at one point during the week while you were standing in line like a sheep for your own coffee fix). And so now, in order to keep my wallet from looking like George Castanza's from seinfeld, I want to get rid of the gift card and have now tried to assimilate into this coffee culture.

3) there is nothing I like about chain ANYTHING: I haven't finished it, but I was recently told about a book called "French woman don't get fat" ( http://search.barnesandnoble.com/French-Women-Dont-Get-Fat/Mireille-Guiliano/e/9781400044801/?itm=1&USRI=why+french+women+don%27t+get+fat) and from what I understand one of the chapters talks about how supermarkets basically BREEDS obesity, and the importance of a farmer's market. It is for this very reason that I do my personal hardest to avoid chain anything, from Safeways to Starbucks, to Cheesecake factory... Nothing Personal, I just like the hummus guy every sunday morning, who knows my order, name, and wants to know how my sister whom he has never met is. I just like it better, and plus (my old roommate would chringe at this next phrase) As an Artist, I really believe it is important to support the little guy, mom and pop stores, which is Not what Starbucks is about.

So there you have it the three main reasons why I, and many like me, hope the next time you get me a certificate you can find it in your heart to maybe save that caffinated thought for another Person! one less pretentious about their eating habits.

I titled this Coffee and Family, because somehow I find that someone in my family always manages to give me a starbucks card for no reason, and also, I have recently found people just talking to talk, without thinking, and unknowingly hurting someone's feelings indirectly, because they were not thinking of anyone but themselves, and gave someone a "starbucks" as I have begun to call them, a unknowing burn because they were too wrapped up in their own conversation to actually HEAR what was actually being said.

And it isn't just family, it seems to be everyone whom I have heard have the problem recently. America is such an individualistic culture, but it behooves us to take care of each other too. No man is an island. Which is why I am grabbing my recycle bag and skipping of to the Farmer's market right now.



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