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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I walk Schitzophrenic

I don't even think that is spelled right.

I have been thinking a lot about the idea of being "alone". I take a pride in the fact that I feel I am a people person, and I accredit it to my huge Italian family genes (nature) and also the because I am a second child (getting one sibling before I was even around, more nature) and then from then on out finding myself in team sports, clubs, theatre groups... etc (nurture, nurture, nurture). And Now, at almost a quarter of a way through life, I am living with only one other person, after living with at least two my WHOLE life. And during the day roommate leaves for work, and I do to, but I am starting to notice how comfortable I have gotten with just being by myself....

Or AM I?

As a catholic, I remember a phase in 2000 where everyone asked themselves, WWJD? and sometimes for me this was ridiculous, sure I got the jist of it, but I often found myself asking what people whom I saw more regularly EMBODYING this message was easier. And it is something that I have carried with me since then. I do believe that copying is the highest form of flattery, and have noticed that, I really have taken what I deem as the best characteristics of my friends and trying to embody them myself, and it has become a great new study.

When I found myself in a puddle on the floor a few weeks ago in confusion, I found myself thinking what my cousin would do; she had recently started a blog "DAYS OF YOGA" that I would highly recommend... but that isn't the point, she is what I call a "super hero" (worker by day, artist by night) and I thought she works long hours too, and instead of throwing herself onto a heap on the floor, she takes yoga. She did something that made her happy. I took a Dance class that night.

I woke up a few weeks ago before an interview, and low and behold, an awful zit was rearing its ugly head where I rest my cell phone. After cleaning my phone, I pulled out my make-up like one of my college friends who is an inspiring make-up artist, and covered it, where me 6 months ago would have tried to pop it and make it worse.

Now This is my favorite one to tell. Easily. Before any of this came about, a few weeks ago my car needed some work done. I went to start it and it became indrivable. First, not only did I jump out of my car and have a conversation with a not present ex-boyfriend, cursing him for telling me how to fix this problem, but not SHOWING me, thus never giving me a chance to learn, but I also called on the suave, car savvy boyfriend's roommate thinking what on EARTH could he do in this situation? So I did what I thought he might do, and it actually kept me from the Theatrics I might have otherwise thrown in this situation.

So how does this relate today? well, I have a task, that I know I could have, but more importantly, one of my great friends has ALREADY been down this road. Today, I have dressed myself even in a fashion for which I think she would go, and am now embodying her in order to get me through what might otherwise be another super intimidating task. Hope everything works out! here we go!!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I THOUGHT I commented on this like a week ago, but apparently it didn't take. So I'm gonna say it again.

    I heart you. So much.

    Just sayin'.
