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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thursday needs some talk

Hello! Thursday was jam packed, and actually so was the rest of this weekend, but Thursday in itself needs Some talk to be had....

First of all, i Finished Training at my new job, and I must say.... I am WAY addicted to "warm Yoga".  Not too be confused with Bikram (the Original Hot yoga) Warm yoga has the room heated to a bareable Temperature (80 something as opposed to 102) and you do a flow class in the heat.  It is like getting a facial for your whole body.  Once you surrender yourself to to the heat, and just embrace the sweat, it feels AMAZING!!! My one complaint is that, of course like in a facial, the next day my face was freaking out because all the toxins had been brought to the surface.  BUT, better out than in I think!

Next, after warm yoga, I got a call from Our friends working with us in Dance In Transit.  We are raring to go!.  We have 3 green lights, and Will be hosting the festival September 18th & 19th... MARK your calendar. 

My one request from readers, is to please, please, PLEASE! start advertising word of mouth.  Tell you families and friends about Dance, and Art.  And Also, on top of that, we are looking to advertise, but as many of you know, I have just graduated, and while I pride myself on making something of nothing, sponsorships would be GREATLY appreciated... So we can 1) do it again next year and 2) keep it as cheap for the public as possible. 

Our budget for the weekend isn't huge, and we would give credit (a logo of the business, a shout out, possibly DANCE in Transit memrobelia) to anyone who could find the finances to help us.  It wouldn't even be too much if split amoungst a few benefactors.  Please e-mail me if you want to see our proposal! We need a big gun!

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