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I am who I am. Love it or hate it, I only change for me, for self improvement, and Self-assurance.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A lesson For The Capt'an

I rolled out of bed today thinking I had hit a writer's block.  Like I had nothing left to say because I had reached a goal, and am now in search of my next goal.

And then I saw my mom.

Let's be honest, I have been very apprehensive to write directly about people recently since last time it got me into a little trouble (sorta) because I hurt someone's feelings.  Well, I figured today's entry would be safe, because it's my mom, and 1) we grew up ridiculing her, and i've gotta hand it to her, she's a pretty tough cookie, and 2) She very much supports what I am doing and know anything I write about her is truth, and I am the monster she created... .

I was driving my mom to the airport today because she's going on a trip.  It was only funny because it was for work and while the conversation was fine, I suddenly felt as though the roles had been reversed.  Mom fiddled in the front seat, and for a moment I felt as though I could have been staring into a mirror.  The year being 1990 and its Natty's first day of Kindergarten.  I think it was easier for me to be nervous (though I don't recall ever being nervous) because I was a ball of energy, so when I had nervous energy, it radiated off of me as just more freakish energy.  And now, here I was driving my mom to some adventure, and while she sat next to me the classy broad she is, I couldn't help but notice a tinge of excitement, nervousness, and maybe a little anxiety.

Anyways, I am driving around and am taking my mom to her terminal, and let me say, the airport has had some work done to it since She had last been there.  I knew the WHOLE time where I was going, but mom (like me) as soon as she thought something was amiss immediately started to lose composure, (as I am sure I would have done a few years ago).  The difference is, I wear my thoughts on my face, so it could be vague what I am thinking (she's upset, but what about?) where as mom just says them.....

NOW WAIT A MINUTE, IS THIS THE RIGHT TERMINAL, OR IS IT THE END OF THAT ONE (mom raises her voice when she is lost, on the phone, or speaking to someone taller than her.  My sister does it too.  It's funny. Read on)

All I could do was roll my eyes under my big sunglasses.  "sit back, lady, I know where we are," I say to co-pilot anxious... She nervous laughs and sits back, still fiddling.  I look over at her and say, "Don't freak out on game day."

Don't freak out on game day is my own personal Mantra I have had since I was about 16.  It was then that class projects, public speaking, and performances meant more than me just talking out of my butt for 5 minutes.  So with much preparation, confidence, and skill, I have always strived to not freak out for something that has been planned, you knew this day was coming, you have all the skills so why bother projects.  And although I'm pretty sure mom may have taught me this growing up along with many other influential family memebers, I can't help but think that my reminder to her helped her relax a little.

The rest of the scene to me was priceless, I pull up to her terminal (which, was, by the way, about 500 feet from where she thought it was) and watched as she leapt from the car, grabbed her suitcase and thanked me for the ride.  "ok, love you mom, be safe," I said in routine to all loved ones I say when I drop them off at the airport.  But this time was different.   What I got in response was MY own dimpled, nervous smile back, wave goodbye and words of reassurance.  Except it wasn't me, it was mom

Ohhhh, so THAT's where I get that from.

Interesting to see how things come full circle.

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